What a jam packed last full day at Stubbington!
Today the children tackle the infamous EARTHQUAKE challenge, with all teams successfully managing to navigate the tricky obstacle course, along with all of their items! It was a real test of their teamwork skills, which have grown through the week. The children finished off this activity with a daring leap across 'Larva Lake' with nothing but a rope! A few returned with wet shoes and socks, but all very proud of themselves for having a go.
Over the week the teams have been rehearsing their STUBBY songs, and tonight, finally performed them for the rest of the group in the 'S-Factor'. The performances were great! As were the dance moves. But it was the Kestrel team that won the night.
After this another chance to spend some time in the Hide, with 5 badgers and 2 foxes making an appearance!
A great final full day here and now a lot of very tired out children.
The Stubbington team