Information for New Parents 2023

Welcome to our CHPS web page for new parents. We have created this page to help you navigate around our school website and find out the most important information when joining our school.

We hope you find this page useful whether for:

  • New Year R & Year 3 Pupils
  • In Year Applications

New Year R & Year 3 Pupils

Please see below  URL links to our website that you may find useful:

Induction Presentation for New Year R & 3 (CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED)

School Uniform

Extra Curricular School Clubs - subject to change depending on term (GREENBANK CAMPUS)

Extra Curricular School Clubs - subject to change depending on term (ROOKSDOWN CAMPUS)

Term Dates and Inset Days


Travel to School

Policies - you will find our policies for parking, dinner money debt and our park and stride map along with all other key policies under -

PE information - PE days will be updated for September 2024 prior to the start of term

Class Letters – all letters will be added throughout the year

Whole School Letters – all letters will be added throughout the year

School Meals

Cool Milk

Free School Meals – for more information and eligibility of free school meals

HCC Education Catering and special diet information

TUCASI on line payments – we are a cashless school , so payments for meals and trips must be made online. A link for this will be sent once your child has started with us.

Fundraising opportunities

Medicines / Illness – the prescribed medicine form can be downloaded here. Please bring this on the first day of term

Transition Time Web page (My Journey Hampshire)

Parents Active Travel and Wellbeing Information - transition time hampshire schools

In Year Applications

An in-year admission is when a child needs an immediate school place during the school year. This could be due to moving house or if you are unhappy with your current school.

Visit the HCC website to apply:

Starting a New School?

Your child will be learning and playing with more children when they start their new school and could be at risk of catching preventable diseases if they haven’t had all their childhood jabs.   If you are not sure if your child has had all their routine vaccinations, check their personal health record (Red Book) or contact the GP surgery. To get the best protection for your child, they need to have had two doses of MMR vaccine. For a checklist of the vaccines and the ages at which they should ideally be given visit