Is my child/ren too ill for school or nursey?

New guidance has been produced in collaboration with the NHS and partners to help parents and carers decide whether to send their child to school or nursery if they are feeling unwell. Please click on this link for more information -

Choking - guidance from the NHS

Paediatric Long Covid and Chronic Fatigue Service

The Children's Long COVID service has been extended until March 2025 and expanded to include children and young people with a diagnosis of ME/CF (Chronic Fatigue). NHS recommend the earlier they provide the intervention and support the better the outcomes, therefore strongly encourage families to seek help early.

Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19

Cerebral Palsy Toolkit

Infectious Diseases

Medical Appointments

Wherever possible we would advise parents to schedule routine medical appointments outside the school day. If your child has a more severe medical condition that requires more lengthy and repeated appointments the following HCC guidance is followed: If absence is long-term or repeated, schools may request proof that your child is genuinely unwell and unable to attend school as this is a key part of their safeguarding duties. Keep copies of any appointment letters or medical reports.

Suncream - Urgent Information

Please see the safety warning issued by Allergy UK regarding the Nivea Sun Protection range for ‘kids’ which, Allergy UK understands, now includes almond oil. Use this link to view the 'News' article:

In light of this news, can we please request that parents refrain from sending their children in with the suncream identified as containing almond oil.

Medicine Form

Please download and return this form to the school office if your child requires prescribed medication from your GP to be administered during school time.

Complete this form digitally here - completing this form and verifying your signature will send a copy of the completed form to the Admin Team for review. Once reviewed you will receive an approved copy of the paperwork to the email address supplied when signing. 

For pupils with Asthma, we request you complete these following forms (digitally where possible).

Asthma Administration of Medicine Form

Asthma Children's Action Plan

As per above, once completed these forms will be sent to the Admin Team for review and once approved you will receive a copy of the paperwork for your records.

For full details regarding the administering of medicines in school please refer to the Administering Medicines Policy on our School Policy page.

If your child requires any medication during the school day please speak to one of the admin team in the school office. All medication needs to be signed in at the school office and a parental agreement form completed (available below or from the school office). The agreement form must be completed before we are able to administer medicine in school.


If you do keep your child at home, it's important to phone the school by 9am on the first day (and each day thereafter) to let them know that they won't be in and give them the reason.  If your child is well enough to go to school but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, please let their class teacher know.

Please see below for various guidance on common childhood illnesses and absence requirements.  Further information regarding common illnesses can be accessed here.

Head Bumps

Text messages will be sent out to parents advising them of a child's head bump where there is no major concern (e.g. no bump or red mark) and a telephone call when there is a concern. At the Rooksdown campus, a bump note will also be sent home in the book bag.

Vomiting & Diarrhoea

These are regularly occurring ailments to children, particularly in a school environment. Most outbreaks are short lived and are not severe. The advice we follow is given from the Health Protection Agency and it is that any child who has sickness and/or diarrhoea MUST remain at home for 48hrs AFTER the last episode before returning back to school.


These are small insects, usually greyish brown in colour which can be difficult to see. They cannot jump, fly or swim but spread by crawling from head to head. They require warmth and suck blood from the scalp. The female eggs glue themselves to the base of the hair follicle and are commonly known as nits. Prevention is the best way forward. Please remember to check your child’s hair thoroughly on a weekly basis and treat as necessary. If your child has a head lice infection you are advised to contact everyone your child has been in contact with over the past few weeks. This includes family and friends, young or old, to advise them to check themselves and their families for head lice. If whilst your child is in school we notice a severe infestation of head lice, you will be contacted and will be requested to come and collect your child. In this way we can hopefully put an end to this problem. For further information please visit


These are small, white, thread-like creatures that may cause itching or discomfort around the anal region particularly at night. Treatment is required via the chemist and the whole family need to be treated. Although it is unlikely to be spread from child to child in school, encouraging good personal hygiene is the best prevention. Children can go to school once they have started the treatment. For more guidance visit:


Ringworm is a common fungal infection and the main symptom is a rash. It's not caused by worms and you can buy an antifungal medicine from a pharmacy to treat it. It can be passed on through close contact with: an infected person or animal, infected objects, such as bedsheets, combs or towels.

It's fine for your child to come to school once they've started treatment. Let your child's teacher know if they have ringworm. Visit the NHS website for more information -


This is a common ailment in children, often caused by a virus and rarely needs treatment. The child can come back to school when their temperature returns to normal and they are feeling well.

Lyme disease and Ticks

Ticks are found in moist areas of dense vegetation or long grass in woodland, grassland, moorland, heathland and some urban parks and gardens. They can be found throughout the year, but are most active between spring and autumn.

Ticks can transmit bacteria that cause diseases, such as Lyme disease, which can lead to very serious conditions if left untreated. Tick bites often go unnoticed, and the tick can remain feeding for several days before dropping off. The longer the tick is in place, the higher the risk of it passing on the infection. Ticks can attach themselves to an animal or person as they brush by. Lyme Disease UK has created an awareness pack specifically designed for children of various ages which you might find useful.

For more information on signs, symptoms and treatments for Lyme disease visit:


This is caused by a bacterial infection of broken skin, usually on the face around the mouth. Until the lesions are crusted and healed the child must remain at home.

Scarlet Fever

The early symptoms of scarlet fever include sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. After 12 to 48 hours the characteristic red, pinhead rash develops, typically first appearing on the chest and stomach, then rapidly spreading to other parts of the body, and giving the skin a sandpaper-like texture. After seeing a GP children should remain at home for 24 hours after the commencement of appropriate antibiotic treatment. Good hygiene practice such as hand washing remains the most important step in preventing and controlling spread of infection.

Guidance of recommended absence from school with other illnesses

  • Athletes Foot: None
  • Chickenpox and shingles: Chickenpox is contagious until all the blisters have scabbed over, which usually happens about five or six days after the rash appeared. Please do not return to school until the last blister has scabbed over. See the Chicken Pox factsheet below for more information.
  • German measles: Children should be kept away from school for four days after the onset of the rash.
  • Hand, Foot & Mouth: Seek medical advice and keep child off school until they're feeling better. There's no cure for it, so you have to let it run its course.
  • Measles: If you have any concerns that your child may have measles please medical assessment via 111 or a GP. It is unlikely to be measles if your child has had 1 dose of the MMR vaccination and is very unlikely if thy have had 2 doses. Children should remain at home until four days after the start of the rash, returning to school after that only if well enough. Measles - Don't Let your child catch it

Please follow the latest guidance below:

  • Slapped Cheek: None
  • Flu: When the child feels recovered
  • Whooping Cough: Vaccination remains crucial to protect vulnerable babies and children. Pregnant women can also speak to their midwife about the whopping cough vaccine. Children should remain at home and treated with antibiotics, if well enough, may return to school five days after antibiotics have begun. Guidance - Health Protection in Education Settings - Whooping Cough
  • Conjunctivitis: None
  • Scarlet Fever: After seeing a GP children should remain at home for 24 hours after the commencement of appropriate antibiotic treatment. Good hygiene practice such as hand washing remains the most important step in preventing and controlling spread of infection. Guidance: Health Protection in Education Settings - Scarlet Fever
  • Mumps: Children should remain at home for five days from the onset of swollen glands but may then return as soon as well enough.

A Parents Guide to First Aid

Medicines and Illness

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