Extracurricular activities include sports, languages, music lessons, and others. They usually complement an academic curriculum. This page details the extracurricular clubs offered internally by the school staff or external providers. Please be advised:
- After-school clubs run by external providers must be booked and paid for directly with the provider
- You must rebook into the internal clubs every half term; they do not roll over. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your child’s place, as spaces are limited
- Extra-curricular clubs are not intended for childcare. We will endeavour to keep these internal clubs running each week but reserve the right to cancel a session, sometimes at the last minute, and we will communicate this by text
- The internal clubs are not for profit; there will be no refunds for cancellations or non-attendance
- If your child turns up to a club without a booking, we may call you to collect them as, due to ratios, we can only have a certain number of children per club
- If a club finishes at 16:00, 16:15, or 16:30, that is the collection time. If your child is picked up late multiple times, we may need to consider withdrawing their place
- We will not run any internal clubs in the first week of each half-term, but you can book your child for one during this time via our new system and app, Arbor. From summer 2025, booking and payments will all be done in Arbor.
Challenger Sports
For more information on the after school sessions please contact ourselves on 07860938302 or email liam@tetrabrazilbasingstoke.com. To join our sessions, please head to the below website, register an account before selecting the Castle Hill Primary School After School Club that you wish your child to attend. If you encounter any issues please feel free to contact us on 07860938302, and we will assist you further.
For more information on our programmes, or to book on, please visit the website: https://tetrabrazil-
French Club & Spanish Club (NEW) - LinguaTastic
These lessons will be held on a Friday during lunchtime. Should you wish to register your child, please e-mail info@linguatastic.com with their full name, class and campus. Places will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Keyboard Lessons
Mr D Lambourn is our Keyboard Teacher at Greenbank. He has an abundance of teaching experience and is well known at Brighton Hill Community School and St Mary's School in Basingstoke.
Should you have any questions about the class please feel free to contact Mr Lambourn directly on DJLambourn@aol.com or call him on 07838 248531.
Rocksteady Music School
Learn to play in a band. The children can choose from the electric guitar, keyboard, drums or vocals and lessons are during school time. For more information about Rocksteady visit: https://www.rocksteadymusicschool.com/primary/
Sporting Champions
Sporting Champions is an initiative that targets children who excel in the sporting field, run by Mr Moria on 07974 980672.
This program will challenge athletes both physically and mentally in a fun manner using a variety of sports, games and activities. It will help to improve agility, balance, speed of thought and game decision making. Your child will be selected to participate in this program.
Day | Extra Curricular Activities/After School Clubs | Time | Location | Costs per session | Booking Method |
Monday | Sporting Champions (Invite only) | 3:15pm - 4:15pm | Greenbank | £5.00 | External |
Tuesday | Challenger Sports Street Games (Years 3&4) | 3:15pm - 4:15pm | Greenbank | £6.00 | External |
Wednesday | Keyboard Lessons | 1pm - 3pm | Greenbank | £8.50 | External / 07838 248531 |
Challenger Sports Street Games (Years 5&6) | 3:15pm - 4:15pm | Greenbank | £6.00 | External | |
Thursday | Rocksteady | All Day (In Year Groups) | Greenbank | £37.29 per month | External |
Friday |
Spanish Club (Years 5&6) French Club (Years 3&4) |
12:10 - 12:30 and 12:30 - 12:50 |
Greenbank | £3.50 | External |