The Governing Body at Castle Hill Primary School is made up of the members below who were appointed by the Full Governing Body committee at that time:

Representation Name Date of Appointment End Date Role
Co-opted Mrs Joanne Austin 4 Oct 2021 3 Oct 2025  
  Mr Kevin Watson 17 May 2022 16 May 2026  
  Mrs Christine Bagan 20 Oct 2021 19 Oct 2025  
  Mr Jeff Bennett 7 July 2021 6 July 2025 Vice Chair
  Mr Erivan White 23 Nov 2021 22 Nov 2025  
  Mrs Doreen Petchey 30 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2026  
Local Authority Mr Graeme Train 16 May 2022 15 May 2026 Chair/Safeguarding Lead
Parents Mrs Catherine Sreedharan 14 Feb 2022 13 Feb 2026  
  Mrs Monica Fenner 30 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2026  
Staff Ms Rebecca Willmouth 8 Mar 2023 7 Mar 2027 Deputy Headteacher
Clerk to Governors Mrs Michele Toobe N/A N/A  

Register of Pecuniary Interest

Name of Governors Name of Business Nature of Business Nature of Interest Date of Appointment or Acquisition Date of Cessation of Interest Date of Entry
Jeff Bennett Nil         22.11.16
Kevin Watson Nil         22.11.16
Christine Bagan Nil         01.11.21
Erivan White Nil   Acquaintance to HT     01.11.21
Catherine Sreedharan Nil         16.05.22
Monica Fenner Ex employee - Admin Team   Ex Staff 2022   02.02.23
Doreen Petchey Ex employee - Site Team   Ex Staff 2022   02.02.23
Joanne Austin Ex employee - PTP/Lunchtime supervisor   Ex Staff 2015   24.09.20
Rebecca Willmouth Sister employed at the school (Louise Riordan)   Relative (Sister) 2015   22.11.16
Graeme Train Daughter employed as School Crossing Patrol   Relative (Daughter) 2024 23.07.24


See signed document below.

Governors are attached to a subject and work closely with the Subject Leader to develop and support the subject. Subject responsibilities are detailed within the 'Panels, Committee & Curricular Links' page.

Organisational structure

Governors meet at a full governing body meeting every half term, and each governor sits on at least one sub committee of which there are currently three main ones:

  • Curriculum and Achievement
  • Finance and Premises
  • Community and Staffing

These committees meet once or twice a term. The committees have delegated powers, but report back to the main governing body at each meeting.

Parents are always welcome to attend governors meetings as observers, please contact us by email if you would like to attend a meeting.

Committee Memberships 2023/24

Finance & Pay

  • Mr Bennett (Chair)
  • Ms Willmouth (Deputy Head)
  • Mr Train
  • Mrs Riordan (School Business Manager)
  • Mr Martin (Headteacher, Advisory Role)

Curriculum & Standards

  • Mr Train (Chair)
  • Ms Willmouth (Deputy Head)
  • Mr Watson
  • Mr Bennett
  • Mrs Sreedharan
  • Mrs Bagan
  • Mrs Austin
  • Mr E White
  • Mrs Fenner
  • Mrs Petchey

Health & Safety

  • Mr Watson (Chair)
  • Mrs Riordan (School Business Manager)
  • Mr Tutton (Site Manager)
  • Mr Martin (Headteacher)

Instrument of Government

Updated: 18/09/2019 111 KB

Further Information

If you have any queries about our work, any issues you wish to discuss, or if you are interested in becoming a governor at Castle Hill Primary School, please contact the Clerk to the Governors.

Useful Links:

National Governors’ Association


Governor Pecuniary Interest

Updated: 22/07/2024 125 KB

Governors Code of Conduct 2023-2025

Updated: 19/10/2023 176 KB

Governors Good Practice Guide

Updated: 23/11/2023 289 KB

Governors Visit Policy & Visit Form

Updated: 01/11/2023 161 KB