Another successful and busy day here at Stubbington!
After a very restful night's sleep, the children checked in on their mammal hotels to find that 4 creatures had climbed in to their shelters over night! 3 yellow necked mice and a bank vole! The morning was spent discovering all there was to know about the little mammals and getting a good look up close, before releasing them back into their natural habitats.
This afternoon the group split into two. Miss Rossiter's group working in teams to earn materials to design and build protective structures for an egg, that was then launched into the air by a catapult. Fortunately, all five teams successfully returned with their eggs in tact! Very impressive team work. Mean while, Miss Edwards class worked together to build their shelters and playing some fun and changing team building games!
After an evening of more fun and games as well as another trip to The Hide the children will soon be going to bed, worn out from another jam packed day.
The Stubbington team