
Are you worried where your next meal is going to come from? Finding it hard to feed the family? Going without meals so that the children can eat?

At Castle Hill Primary School, we are lucky enough to have access to a small on-site foodbank. 

Please speak to any member of staff, as we are able to provide you with a small food parcel or issue food bank vouchers. We will do this without judgement, and do not want you to feel ashamed of asking. 

Worried about having to feed the children over the school holidays? Did you know, that you can be issued a food bank voucher just to cover the meals your children would usually have received at school? 

Please note that food bank vouchers are signed and authorised by the Pastoral Team, and therefore cannot be handed out immediately, however we will always get this to you as soon as we can.

If you are in need of extra help during this difficult time we are here for you!

Please send us an email to for more information or to request vouchers.